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It's fast, easy and affordable — and it's worth doing if you plan to sell your product in retail stores or on e-commerce websites. Book Database Online offers a searchable catalog of all Independent Publisher titles and more. Books can be searched by ISBN, Author Name, or Book Title.
A book's ISBN number identifies the title and the publisher of the book it is assigned to. Our unique multiple ISBN search allows you to enter one or more ISBN numbers to be searched for ISBN Search: Compare book prices at 130 Stores.
It's fast, easy and affordable — and it's worth doing if you plan to sell your product in retail stores or on e-commerce websites. Your search queries, however, should: Retain punctuation found in the middle of words and numbers (e.g., "4-H" or 401(k) plans) Retain spaces (where present) between an LCCN prefix and year/serial portion of the control number in LCCN and Standard Number (LCCN-ISBN-ISSN) searches.
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The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a clear identification number for books, and applies to any monographic publication in printed, non-printed
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It is used ISSN are used for serials (such as journals, magazines and newspapers). ISSN are assigned by the ISSN UK Centre at the British Library. You'll find more If you've provided the ISBN for a book, you can see it in the Book Catalog or on This allows someone searching for the pISBN on the Google Play store to find of the book. I could not find. Please let me know if this works for you. If you search the ISBN numbers on Amazon you get the right book. A Search for Sovereignty maps a new approach to world history by examining the Date Published: November 2009; format: Hardback; isbn: 9780521881050 Our search shows that ISBN numbers are obtained from the institution named National Archives of Zimbabwe.
It's fast, easy and affordable — and it's worth doing if you plan to sell your product in retail stores or on e-commerce websites. Book Database Online offers a searchable catalog of all Independent Publisher titles and more. Books can be searched by ISBN, Author Name, or Book Title. Searches for LCCN (LC Control Numbers), ISSN, and ISBN - known as "standard numbers" - starting at the beginning of the number.