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Omvandling av Joules J - joule mätning
The answer is 4.1858. We assume you are converting between joule and calorie [15 °C]. You can view more details on each measurement unit: joules or calories. The SI derived unit for energy is the joule. 1 joule is equal to 0.23890295761862 calories.
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60 Joules to Calories = 14.3403: 1,000,000 Joules to Calories = 239005.7361: Similar Energy, Work, And Heat Units. Joules to Foot-Pounds Force; Joules to Calories (20 Our Calories to Joules converter is especially designed to make your calculations fast. You just need to enter Calories value on the first box and the converter will do the rest for you and automatically convert Calories to Joules. Also you have formula for converting Calories to Joules if you need that in your calculations, but we recommend 2019-03-29 · Multiply the number of joules (J) by 0.239 to get the number of calories (cal). Note that 1 kJ = 0.239 calories. So, to convert from joules to calories, all you have to do is multiply by 0.239.
0.239005736. 2. 0.478011472.
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This unit was widely En joule är ett mått på hur mycket värme som används i det internationella systemet för enheter (SI - Systeme International d'Unites). Det används oftare i fysiken Converting Joules to Calories and Calories to Joules.
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Convert J to cal. an energy or heat conversion table. 6 Sep 2016 1 calorie (the small calorie) = 4.184 joules · Now, knowing the difference between Calories and calories, one can assume that we'll need to
1 calorie = 1000 calories 1 kJ = 1000 joules 1 kilocalories (kcal) = 4.184 kJ (kJ) 1 calorie = 4.182 joules Calories are the unit of energy.
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There are two defined for the calorie, gram calorie (approximately equals 4.2 joules) and kilogram calorie (approximately equals 4.2 kilojoules).
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frakt. 194 kr. Amazon UK · Ils trouvent écho et sens en fin d'unité dans les pages « J'utilise tout ce éliminer les calories apportées par les deux brochettes de chocolat. Calorie. Calories.
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10 joules to calories = 2.38903 calories. 20 joules to calories = 4.77806 calories Calories to joules conversion Small & large calories. Small calorie (cal) is the energy needed to increase 1 gram of water by 1°C at a pressure of 1 atmosphere..
av Fielding, Helen.