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For an E-commerce website using MERN Stack if I have large amount of Products at Backend what approach should be followed to display the product page. Are all products sent at the same time as a response to the frontend and use Lazy Loading at frontend. Or we send a limited amount of products initially and send more from DB on another call. 2015-12-23 · Node.js e-commerce platforms StoreHippo . StoreHippo is the platform for e-commerce and m-commerce. The platform is based on the MEAN stack, which consists of MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, and Node.js.

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Read more. frameworks of NodeJS and Angular, which are the niche and futuristic technologies. Spurtcommerce 4.4 is an open source eCommerce solution, This e-commerce web application is constantly updated to ensure that it will always work with the latest stable release of Node.js.

Node.js is simply a JavaScript runtime engine. Getting Started. This section applies if you want to install this on your own machine. Our Lab has these installed already. How do I Install Node.js. Download the Node.js source code or a pre-built installer for your platform, and start developing.