Stillfront - Allt om Bolaget, Spelen & Aktien - Gamingaktier
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However, £540,000 ($701,640) can be paid in new Stillfront shares … Kixeye and Babil Games, part of Stillfront Group, announces the launch of War Storm Wed, Apr 29, 2020 08:00 CET. Kixeye and Babil Games today announce the release of the Arab version of Kixeye´s popular mobile game War Commander: Rogue Assault called “Asefat Al-Harb” translated to War Storm in English, published in collaboration with Babil Games and Goodgame Studios. Stillfront Group | 2 359 följare på LinkedIn. Stillfront is a global group of gaming studios and a market leader in the free-to-play online strategy game genre. | About Stillfront Stillfront is a leading free-to-play powerhouse of gaming studios. Our diverse and exciting games portfolio has two common themes; loyal users and long lifecycle games. Stillfront Group is an emerging games business that both industry insiders and curious outsiders should prioritise understanding. Even though the company is making a larger name for itself - especially in 2020, which has turned into a breakout year - it remains, in our eyes, underrated and under-followed.
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Det är med glädje jag idag välkomnar Jan Beuck, Martin Jässing och hela teamet på Playa Games till Stillfrontfamiljen“, – Jörgen Larsson, VD, Stillfront. Jan Beuck, VD, Playa Games. Stillfront har en övertygande förvärvshistorik, realiserar synergier och växer effektivt med höga marginaler. Med en allt mer diversifierad studio- och spelportfölj faller dessutom den operativa risken i bolaget.
Our diverse and exciting games portfolio has two common themes; loyal users and long lifecycle games. Organic growth and carefully selected and 2020-01-21 · Game studio coalition Stillfront Group has acquired of mobile game maker Storm8 for up to $400 million. Stillfront will acquire 100% of the California developer's shares for $300 million upfront Playa Games Bolagsstämman i Stillfront beslutade den 14 maj 2020 om en riktad nyemission av högst 82 272 stycken aktier till säljarna av Playa Games, att utgöra en del av tilläggsköpeskillingen för Stillfronts förvärv av samtliga aktier i Playa Games i enlighet med förvärvsavtalsvillkoren.
Stillfront Group AB - Cision News
Back in March, it was the calming, everyday escapi Online gaming offers a great way to pass the time (particularly when we’re all quarantined), plus it helps build manual dexterity skills and potentially enhances problem-solving abilities, depending on the games chosen. Entertaining online Hockey has been a favorite game of sports fans since the late 1800s.
Presentation av Stillfront Group AB - Smabolagsraketer
“Stillfront is one of the leading free-to-play gaming groups in the world and we are delighted to become part of the team, and play an important role as Stillfront’s first game studio in the Stillfront Group is an emerging games business that both industry insiders and curious outsiders should prioritize understanding. Even though the company is making a larger name for itself Stillfront is an independent creator, publisher and distributor of digital games – with a vision to become one of Europe’s leading indie game creators and publishers.
The seller has a rapidly growing product portfolio with one established product (Word Collect), one recently launched (Trivia Star), and over 5 highly potential titles in the pipeline, with a big number of MAUs
In April 2020, Stillfront acquired a US-based mobile games developer Candywriter, focusing on casual and mash-up (life simulation) games, for a total consideration of $195m.
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Stillfront Online Games AB omsatte 1 088 000 kr senaste räkenskapsåret (2019).
Säljarna är de gemensamma grundarna och huvudägarna av Super Free samt vissa nyckelpersoner och andra investerare. Stillfront Online Games AB ingår i en koncern med 26 bolag. Moderbolag är Stillfront Midco AB och koncernmoderbolag är Stillfront Group AB (publ). Koncernstrukturen baseras på uppgifter från 2019-12.
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Översikt · Telefonnummer · Adresser · Styrelse och koncern · Verklig huvudman · Nyckeltal Exempel på spelstudios som bolaget äger inkluderar Goodgame Studios, Kixeye och Storm8.
Stillfront Group fullföljer förvärvet av Super Free Games
Prislappen är på 150 miljoner dollar (1,2 miljarder kronor), varav 47,5 procent betalas kontant och resten i nyemitterade Stillfrontaktier. Kixeye och Babil Games, studios inom Stillfront Group, lanserar War Storm ons, apr 29, 2020 08:00 CET. Kixeye och Babil Games meddelar idag att War Storm, den arabiska versionen av Kixeyes populära mobilspel War Commander: Rogue Assault, ”Asefat Al-Harb” lanseras i samarbete med Babil Games och Goodgame Studios. Stillfront: eRepublik Labs launches its new game “Game of Trenches – WW1” Thu, Jun 13, 2019 10:00 CET Building on a new generation of its historical strategy MMO game engine and the success of its four previously released games in the genre and a successful soft launch, eRepublik Labs will launch “Game of Trenches – WW1”, worldwide today on the Apple App Store and on the Google Stillfront games are all (mostly) pay to win.
In January 2020, Stillfront acquired mobile game publisher Storm8, focusing on match-3 games, for $400m. In 2018-2019, Stillfront was also a very active acquirer. Through the acquisition of Super Free Games, Stillfront etners the word and trivia genres of casual mobile games segment. The seller has a rapidly growing product portfolio with one established product (Word Collect), one recently launched (Trivia Star), and over 5 highly potential titles in the pipeline, with a big number of MAUs Stillfront Group announces its interim results for January-March 2021 on 5 May 2021 at 7:00 a.m.