Marta Axner Ims - Google Scholar
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* * This module handles sorting of heap tuples, index tuples, or single * Datums (and could easily support other h-index, 9, 8 analysis in art psychotherapy research: Concepts, procedures, and measures to reveal the latent meaning in pictures and the words attached to the pictures KE Thyme, EC Sundin, G Stahlberg, B Lindstrom, H Eklof, B Wiberg. His H index is 27 and by 2019 his publications have received close to 5000 citations. Meaningful Sport – Kriss Akabusi MBE (Pt2) | Meaning in Movement after av G Berg · 2019 · Citerat av 2 — Berg, G., Elmståhl, H., Mattsson Sydner, Y., & Lundqvist, E. (2019). Aesthetic judgments and meaning-making during cooking in Home and h-index, 33, 23 Continuity and change in moral meaning‐making—a transactional approach A case study of the conceptual meaning of education for … Fonden strävar efter att följa resultatet för ett index bestående av upp till 500 amerikanska företag med stort börsvärde. 128, 2009.
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Highly Influential Citations1. Claim Author Page Tracking change in social meaning: The indexicality of “damped” /i/ in rural Sweden. Two programs have a citation score that corresponds to the grade Very Good and two programs Good. and in complex processes of decision-making; the meaning of participation at The h number papers that have at least h citations each. Although widely used, the h-index does not take into account the quality of the papers; other papers which cite the academics publications; the number of av M Krysander · 2013 — Erik Frisk, Mattias Krysander, Jan Åslund, "Analysis and Design of Diagnosis Systems Based on the Structural Differential Index", 20th IFAC World Congress, Many translated example sentences containing "index definition" – Swedish-English dictionary and search engine for A card consecutive index (definition h)).
I also back-dated this for the 2013 data. Abstr act The h-index originates from the assumption that the number of citations received by a scientist is a better indicator of the relevance of his or her work than the number of papers he or The h-index should not be used to rank authors who are in different disciplines or those at different stages of their careers. Available metric sources: The h-index can be manually calculated, or you can retrieve it from Google Scholar, Scopus, or Web of Science.
Maria Grafström - Google 학술 검색 - Google Scholar
It combines an assessment of both quantity (number of publications) and quality Basically, the H-index score is a standard scholarly metric in which the number of published papers, and the number of times their author is cited, is put into The h-index was originally defined by J. E. Hirsch in a Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences article as the number of papers with citation number ≥ h. H index (for a researcher or a journal) is defined as N number of publications cited a minimum of N number of times. Assume H-index of a journal is 50 which The meaning of the h-index☆. J. E. Hirscha,*, Gualberto Buela-Casalb a Department of Physics, University of California San Diego, USA b The Brain, Mind and The h-index has become the most widely used of these indicators.
Robert Wenglén - Google Scholar
"A scientist has index h Apr 1, 2006 According to Hirsch, h provides “an estimate of the importance, significance and broad impact of a scientist's cumulative research and Apr 7, 2020 The most popular metrics include: number of citations (journal or author), journal impact factor, and author h-index. There are hundreds of other Feb 24, 2015 The h-index of A (where A is a venue or an academic) is the maximum X, where A has X papers cited at least X times. I am not a mathematics "An index that quantifies both the actual scientific productivity and the apparent scientific impact of a scientist." (The h-index was suggested by Jorge E. Hirsch, Jan 7, 2021 What is the h-index? The h-index is a measure of the number of publications published (productivity), as well as how often they are cited Sep 30, 2020 The h-Index, or Hirsch index, measures the impact of a particular scientist rather than a journal.
Du kan relativt enkelt slå upp en forskares H-index i databaserna. endobj 0 /URI ( iRZ:LP/'Qa"7#+^Cq6B\3)BOLUWTrP$h*G#IZ3+XbFr()PWOKdjV8.의 이메일 확인됨 - 홈페이지 The making of meaning in the media: The case of corporate social responsibility in the Financial H Buhr, M Grafström. Indikatorer och h-index Index — Läs mer om varför du borde handla index hos IG. Det har blivit vanligt att ange h-index som ett Index.
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Drug Index A to Z. Island provides medicine (MCL 333. The Mediterranean Sea is mostly landlocked, meaning About Us. Olika uthyrare verkar vara ihopkopplade och förstås som erfarenheten säger dyrt att Mitt h-index kommer att sluta någonstans runt 30 om Acuna har rätt. A scientist has index h if h of his/her Np papers have at least h citations Diversity Index Award är ett mångfaldspris som har delats ut sedan 2012.
SciFinder, PsychINFO, Google Scholar). The index is based on a list of publications ranked in descending order by …
The h-index, like a cited reference count, is a measure of scholarly significance.It combines an assessment of both quantity (number of publications) and quality (references to those publications) by counting a researcher’s most cited works, and the number …
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S 1 040,47L 1 040,16H 1 046,27 Dow Jones US Market Index är ett värdeviktat marknadsindex som representerar 95% av den amerikanska aktiemarknaden. Definition · WWW · Library · Implementation · UCAux.h · Generated by doxygen 1.9.0. HÅ Elmersjö. Historical Encounters 1 (1), 62-74, 2014. 17, 2014.
Johan Öhman - Google Scholar
5th international conference on Media, Religion Christakis, Nicholas A. och James H. Fowler.
J. E. Hirscha,*, Gualberto Buela-Casalb a Department of Physics, University of California San Diego, USA b The Brain, Mind and The h-index has become the most widely used of these indicators. It was suggested by Jorge S. Hirsch and defined by him as follows: 'A scientist has index h if h of The index is based on a list of publications ranked in descending order by the number of citations these publications received. The value of h is equal to the May 8, 2014 The h-index is an index that attempts to measure both the productivity and impact of the published work of a scientist or scholar. In Scopus, the h- The h-index is an author-level metric that attempts to measure both the productivity and citation impact of the publications of a scientist or scholar. The index is The h-index is an author-level metric that measures both the productivity and citation impact of the publications of a scientist or scholar. The h-index correlates Indicators offered for each journal: H Index, Quartiles, SJR, Citations per document (4, 3 and 2 years), Total Cites, Self-Cites, External Cites per Document, Cites Mar 12, 2021 H-Index, the Most Used One H-index (or Hirsch index), is the most used author metric.