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Characterization of the RNA content of chromatin

The process by which DNA is copied to RNA is called transcription, and that by which RNA is used to produce proteins is called translation. In the process of transcription, the DNA is converted into RNA while in the process of translation the DNA is converted into Protein. Different copies of RNA are created in transcription which is required by the cell while the protein produced during the process of translation is used by the different functions. The transcription of DNA into RNA and the translation of RNA into proteins are considered as the central dogma of molecular biology. The main difference between transcription and translation is that transcription involves the production of RNA from DNA whereas translation involves the protein synthesis by decoding the mRNA.

Dna translation vs transcription

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Prokaryotes do not have membrane-enclosed nuclei. Therefore, the processes of transcription, translation, and mRNA degradation can all occur simultaneously. The intracellular level of a bacterial protein can quickly be amplified by multiple transcription and translation events occurring concurrently on the same DNA template. In Eukaryotic transcription, transcription and translation differ in space and time (transcription – nucleus, translation – cytoplasm) Transcription of mRNA. In Prokaryotic transcription, mRNA is transcribed directly from template DNA molecule. In Eukaryotic transcription, initially a pre-mRNA molecule (primary transcript) is formed and then processed to yield a mature mRNA.

Translation Illustration.

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mRNA migrates from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. 4. MRNA carries coded information to the ribosomes.

Dna translation vs transcription

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Dna translation vs transcription

translation is that transcription involves the production of RNA from DNA whereas translation involves the protein synthesis by decoding the mRNA. This article looks at, 1.

Dna translation vs transcription

In transcription , the antisense strand of the DNA is used as a template, whereas in translation mRNA acts as a template.
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Step by step The instructions to make proteins are contained in our DNA DNA contains genes. a gene is a continuous string of nucleotides containing a region that codes for an RNA molecule. Se hela listan på Se hela listan på DNA Replication vs Transcription.

The three main steps of transcription are initiation, elongation, and termination. In initiation, the enzyme RNA polymerase binds to DNA at the promoter region.
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TRANSCRIPTION AND TRANSLATION. Genes provide information for building proteins.

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In transcription , the antisense strand of the DNA is used as a template, whereas in translation mRNA acts as a template. 2017-02-28 1. DNA replicates. (replication) 2. DNA codes for the production of mRNA.

mRNA migrates from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. 4. MRNA carries coded information to the ribosomes. Ribosomes create proteins. (translation) DNA codes for proteins. DNA vs.