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Dështimi për të marrë 2/3 e shumicës, e nevojshme për miratimin në Kuvend, Berisha bën thirrje për një referendum kombëtar, i pari i këtij lloji. Nëntor - Referendumi kombëtar refuzon kushtetutën e re, që kundërshtarët thanë se i jep presidentit shumë pushtet (53.9% e votuesve kundërshtojnë projekt-kushtetutën) [1] . The Socialist party in Albania provided data on voting records in the 1992 vote for local government and the 1994 referendum on the constitution (favored by the Democratic party). These two measures represent two independent readings of ideological bias in favor of the Democratic party. Visit to Albania of Defense Secretary William Perry, July 1994 Analysis of the constitutional referendum, November 1994 Analysis of the constitutional referendum, November 1994 Analysis of the constitutional referendum, December 1994 Letter from Richard Holbrooke to President Berisha re the Omonia case, February 1995 After a referendum, multi-party democracy was introduced in 1993, and aid was soon resumed. Greece suspended European Union aid to Albania in 1994 after five members of an ethnic Greek group The Costa Rican General Elections of 6 February 1994* FABRICE EDOUARD LEHntICQ Department of Government and Public Affairs, Christopher Newport University, Newport News, VA 2360&2998, USA On Sunday, 6 February 1994, elections were held in Costa Rica to elect a president, all 57 members of the Legislative Assembly and to fill 953 municipal seats Referendumul din Republica Moldova din 1994 a fost un referendum desfășurat la nivel național în Republica Moldova pentru a stabili dacă țara ar trebui să-și conserve independența și integritatea teritorială.
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Istanbul (1993; 2004), Aten (1994; 2008); Jerusalem (1996). 2019. Referendums. 1919 · 1994 Albania · Andorra · Armenia · Austria · Azerbaijan · Belarus · Belgium · Bosnia and Herzegovina · Bulgaria · Croatia · Cyprus As has been said repeatedly,Albania needs to prove that it can enforce the rule that the proportion of documents transmitted rose from 58.7 % in 1994/95 to 78.3 % in I think that the conflict is still going on, that the referendum is seen by the Since 1971, the Riksdag has been a unicameral legislature with 349 members , elected proportionally and serving, from 1994 onwards, on fixed four-year terms.
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24-25. An European Council is held in Corfù, Greece.
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The second was on 29 June 1997. The referendum was organised together with the elections for the new parliament, where citizens voted if Albania should be a monarchy or a republic. 2020-04-24 1994 - National referendum rejects new constitution which opponents said allowed president too much power. 1995 - Alia released from prison following appeal-court ruling. 1996 - Democratic Party general election victory tainted by accusations of fraud.
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Albania 53. Impérium Constantinopolitanum, Albania, Serbia, Bulgaria, Ruthenia, Ungaria, Polonia, Budapest 1994, Moravcsik, Az Árpád-kori magyar történet, 75, Note 7. cf.
6.5 (2005). “The first election effect”.
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There was no significant influx of refugees in 1994. A small number of ethnic Albanians from Kosovo, Serbia, fled to Albania to avoid the draft.
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Leka, however, claimed that a clear majority voted in favor of the proposal. 15 Nov 1994 For most of the ethnic Greeks who make up nearly half of this southern city, it has taken generations to make their way from the desperately Publications (books): Index of Legal Acts of Albania 1985 - 2002 (English and Albanian); Civil Code, Civil Procedure, Criminal, and Criminal Procedure Codes of 14 Dec 2006 The long-running Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is the most significant obstacle to peace and regional cooperation in the south Caucasus. Fighting 18 Mar 2019 Crimea will remain a problem between Kyiv and Moscow, and between the West and Russia, for years—if not decades—to come. The NLA was thought to have ties to the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) and rebel Albanian forces operating in southern Serbia. In March, the Macedonian Bulgaria and Romania have already finished accession negotiations and will join on 1 January 2007. The ratification process of the Treaty of Accession 2005, 16 Maj 2020 Referendum odbyło się 7 października 1994. potwierdzić supremację Demokratycznej Partii Albanii na scenie politycznej nabrały tempa po 16 Feb 2021 Albin Kurti, center, candidate for prime minister, in capital Pristina, Kosovo, on Thursday, Feb. 4, 2021.
A few days later Leka left Albania for South Africa ( Deutsche Presse-Argentur 12 October 1997). The monarchists alleged that the Socialists, who prevailed in the parliamentary election held parallel with the referendum, had stolen pro-monarchy votes ( Dow Jones News Service 14 July 1994). The Socialist party in Albania provided data on voting records in the 1992 vote for local government and the 1994 referendum on the constitution (favored by the Democratic party). These two measures represent two independent readings of ideological bias in favor of the Democratic party.