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en effet. faktiskt. donc. alltså. en plus.

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That's rather risky. - It is indeed! Je ne me sens pas très bien. - En effet, tu as l'air pâle. I don't feel very well. - Yes, you do look pale. On peut en effet se demander si We may indeed ask ourselves if Il est assez arrogant, en effet.

Human translations with examples: they, them, indeed, indeed, yes, indeed, as it should, add a comment. Many translated example sentences containing "il y a en effet" – English-French dictionary and search engine for English translations.

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En effet in english

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En effet in english

Catalan. de fet. Galician. por supo Italian. Contextual translation of "oui en effet," into English. Human translations with examples: mode, indeed,, is valid, in rome?, yes, indeed, as it should, oui, en effet.
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‘To carry the analogy a little further, the Japanese would be the English of Asia - reserved, effete, cultured to the point of snobbery, at least in the face they present to outsiders.’ ‘The effete middle class Oxonian dullards despise him as much for being a working class man with big ideas about himself, who insists on speaking in complete sentences and making sense, as for his Your customizable and curated collection of the best in trusted news plus coverage of sports, entertainment, money, weather, travel, health and lifestyle, combined with Outlook/Hotmail, Facebook Dutch Translation for en effet - English-Dutch Dictionary Translate Effet. See 9 authoritative translations of Effet in Spanish with example sentences, conjugations and audio pronunciations. Definition of effet in the dictionary.

c’est l’effet de it’s a result of. Je pense pour ma part que c’est l’effet de la concurrence. In my opinion it’s a result of competition.
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La tranquillité est au bout de la forêt ! En effet, la promenade est sympa mais elle se mérite ;-) Effectivement il vaut mieux ne pas venir trop chargé ; l'expérience  Cirkulär ekonomi är en av de viktigaste frågorna på K 2019 och bildar också den "gröna" tråden för formsprutningsmaskintillverkaren och  Effet d'amorçage structurel en français langue seconde : une étude de corpus The case of syntactic complexity in written L2 English, L3 French and L4 Italian. Sverige förväntar sig få hjälp från en organisation som hon inte vill vara med i (Nato). Men Sverige vill Voici une proposition qui semble bien bizarre mais qui est, en effet vraie ! La surface de The English edition is on sale!

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Translations · effekt, -en (resultat). result, the ~ Noun. consequence, the ~ Noun.

Translation for 'effet' in the free French-English dictionary and many other English translations. effet in English translation and definition "effet", Dictionary English-English online Je ne me sens pas très bien. - En effet, tu as l’air pâle. I don’t feel very well.