attenuation coefficient - Swedish Translation - Lizarder


Meaning of attenuation in Swedish english dictionary

Often abbreviated "ATTN." noun. mass noun. 1 The reduction of the force, effect, or value of something. ‘human security required the attenuation of a wide range of threats to people’. More example sentences. ‘Fathers often have expressed fear of the potential attenuation of their relationships with their children.’. 2018-01-04 attenuation [ah-ten″u-a´shun] 1.

Attenuation meaning

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Swedish Meaning, attenuera, dämpa, bli smal, formellt eller tekniskt, förtunna, göra smal, minska i värde, försvaga, avmagrad, förtunnad,  In this thesis, K-means, Fuzzy c-means and 2-state Hidden Markov Model are used to develop one step and two step rain attenuation data  Request PDF | Attenuation by boron supplementation of the biochemical changes associated with thioacetamide-induced hepatic lesions  av M Holmudden · 2015 · Citerat av 1 — Files in This Item: There are no files associated with this item. Title: Virus Attenuation by Genome-Wide Alterations of Genomic Signatures. Attenuation Europe. HRXS220A. EN 352-1:2002. Frequency (Hz). 125.

weakening in force or intensity play. Sep 21, 2016 This definition explains the meaning of Attenuation and why it matters.

attenuation – Översättning, synonymer, förklaring, exempel

Mean + Sf. 69,0. 72,7. 73,9. Attenuation of boundary layer disturbances by means of streamwise vortices.

Attenuation meaning

A general strategy to inhibiting viral -1 frameshifting based on

Attenuation meaning

13.2. 15.3. 16.7. 18.3 H Average attenuation characteristics in the high frequency spectrum (> 2 kHz). This data will be used to develop defined rationally attenuated mutants of F. tularensis, which could be used as replacements for the existing genetically  in primary human cells, have discovered the attenuation of a defined positive diabetes (T2D) and how that attenuation is driven by a downregulated mTOR,  meaning that the defect response is not affected by the noise.

Attenuation meaning

attenuation. [links]. UK:*UK and possibly WordReference English-Swedish Dictionary © 2021:  Word, Attenuate. Swedish Meaning, attenuera, dämpa, bli smal, formellt eller tekniskt, förtunna, göra smal, minska i värde, försvaga, avmagrad, förtunnad,  In this thesis, K-means, Fuzzy c-means and 2-state Hidden Markov Model are used to develop one step and two step rain attenuation data  Request PDF | Attenuation by boron supplementation of the biochemical changes associated with thioacetamide-induced hepatic lesions  av M Holmudden · 2015 · Citerat av 1 — Files in This Item: There are no files associated with this item. Title: Virus Attenuation by Genome-Wide Alterations of Genomic Signatures. Attenuation Europe. HRXS220A.
Obligatoriska kurser ekonomiprogrammet

The Journal of the Acoustical Society of  and high pass filter that allows frequencies with a defined bandwidth to pass. Crystal filters are used for sharp transition between passband and attenuation.

Legal Definition of attenuation : a lessening of the amount, force, or magnitude of something specifically : a weakening of the connection between an illegal police procedure and the evidence obtained by it such that the evidence is admissible at trial as an exception to the exclusionary rule attenuation 1. Decrease in intensity of a signal, beam, or wave as a result of absorption of energy and of scattering out of the 2. In mine warfare, the reduction in intensity of an influence as distance from the source increases.
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Teknisk mekanik. må 2014-01-20,  Det kan finnas mer än en definition av ATTEN, så kolla in det på vår ordlista för alla betydelser av ATTEN en efter en. Definition på engelska: Attenuation  Tap card to see definition. During attenuation, the ribosome becomes stalled (delayed) in the attenuator region in the mRNA leader. The location of ribosomes  To explore the efficacy of triflusal in the attenuation of insulin resistance in men and woman evaluate by means of i.v. glucose tolerance test (PTEVGMR).

Definition av attenuation på Engelska DinOrdbok

39.1. 45.2. 45.7. 48.3. 47.4. The Herschel–Quincke tube: The attenuation conditions and their sensitivity to mean flow.

75 percent attenuation means you took home about a quarter of your dinner in a doggy bag. 50 percent attenuation means you probably should have split an entrée with your dining partner. 0 percent attenuation means you lost your appetite after ordering. Psychology Definition of ATTENUATION THEORY: a part of the filter theory of attention, which proposes that unattended messages are attenuated (i.e., processed weakly) but not entirely blocked from Attenuation Doctrine Law and Legal Definition In criminal proceedings, the attenuation rule provides that despite the illegality in obtaining evidence, such evidence may be admissible if the connection between the evidence and the illegal method is sufficiently remote or attenuated. “Attenuation artifact” observed in a nuclear stress test is due to the reduction in the intensity / strength of signal when it travels through various body tissues of different densities, such as breast tissues, chest wall, and organs under the diaphragm. According to Dr. West at Cancer Grace, a low-attenuation lesion is a spot that appears on a radiographic image as less dense than the surrounding healthy tissue in that specific organ of the body.