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In contrast, personal computers made in Japan using BASIC cost only Y SOO,OOO( five-hundred thousand only one-;renth of the 5120's cost. IBM 5100 Portable Computer este un computer portabil apărut în septembrie 1975, la sase ani înainte de IBM PC.Era o variantă evoluată a unui prototip numit SCAMP (Special Computer APL Machine Portable) ce a fost dezvoltat la Centrul Științific IBM Palo Alto în 1973. În ianuarie 1978, IBM a anunțat IBM 5110 - "verișorul" său mai mare -, iar în februarie 1980, IBM a anunțat IBM 5120. 5100. In September 1975, IBM announced its smallest and first portable computer (If you consider a 28 Kgs. computer portable, that is), the IBM 5100, no bigger than one of IBM's typewriters. Developed in Rochester, it used the same operating system as IBM's /370 line of main frames. Thus it could accommodate the same APL interpreter, permitting 2013-03-08 (1980) IBM APL/BASIC Amiga OS Amigo DOS "Workbench" GUI (1995) Microsoft release (1991/1991) Apple Windows 95 (introduce release System 7 internet explorer) OS 7) Apple release MAC Windows 7 osx (2009/present) Windows release Windows 7 (1999/2004) Apple release power (1975) OS APL/BASIC (1977) Apple Il OS Woz integer Basic in ROM (1982) Commodo- IBM 5120.
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2018年12月10日 さて、そのIBM 5100は最小構成(16K RAM+BASIC)で8975ドル、最大構成(64KB RAM+BASIC+APL)で1万9975ドルと、ややパーソナルとは言いにくい価格であっ た。 IBM 5100シリーズの末裔が1980年に出たIBM 5120である。 異なるOS からの移行も簡単で、5Gがすぐに使える「AQUOS sense5G」 4 Jun 2017 They apparently existed from 1969 to around late 1970ish or perhaps early 1980ish, during My first paid programming job was on one of these (the 5120). I coded in BASIC and the IBM BASIC had a wonderful ISAM built r 110360 OS DOS SYSTEM APL CMS PROGRAM. IlIUP . IICOMP ASST BASIC SSC. .5110/5120 COMP ASST SYS LPS. .SERIES/1 OIR .ARCHITEC OF IBM 3277 GRAPH ATACH SUPPT LPS. .SER/I 5250 IIPASC BULTN FEB 1980. 21 Assembler.
Voilà un ordinateur qui pèse son poid, avec environ 45 Kg la bête ! On trouve ainsi en ROM le Basic et l'APL. El IBM 5120 Computing System (a veces denominado IBM 5110 Model 3) se anunció en febrero de 1980 como la continuación de escritorio del IBM 5110 Computing System.
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Announced in February 1980 as the desktop follow-on to the IBM 5110 Computing System. It featured two built-in 8-inch 1.2 MB floppy disk drives, 9-inch monochrome monitor, 32K RAM and optional IBM 5114 stand-alone diskette unit with two additional 8-inch 1.2 MB floppy disk drives. Wikipedia.
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Then follows the IBM 5110 in 1978 and the IBM 5120 in 1980. The IBM 5110 Model 3is not a separate computer but the base of the IBM 5120 All the machines could be ordered with APL, BASIC or both as programming language (built into read-only storage). IBM 5100 BASIC Introduction, Form #SA21-9216 IBM 5100 BASIC Reference Manual, Form #SA21-9217 IBM 5100 Serial I/O Adapter Feature User's Manual, Form #SA21-9239 IBM 5100 Print Plot/APL User's Manual, Form #SA21-9264 IBM 5100 Print Plot/BASIC User's Manual, Form #SA21-9265 IBM 5100 Maintenance Information Manual, Form #SY31-0405 2019-02-08 2012-11-05 Introduced in 1975, the 5100 was IBM's first production personal computer (six years before the PC!). The 5100 has an integral CRT display, keyboard, and tape drive. It was available with APL, BASIC, or both, and with 16, 32, 48, or 64 Kbytes of RAM. APL (named after the book A Programming Language) is a programming language developed in the 1960s by Kenneth E. Iverson.Its central datatype is the multidimensional array.It uses a large range of special graphic symbols to represent most functions and operators, leading to very concise code.
Im Jahr 1978 kam dann die IBM 5110, 1980 die IBM 5120 hinzu. Die IBM 5110 wurde in zwei Varianten mit jeweils verschiedener Ausstattung angeboten: IBM 5110 Model 1 Dieses Modell hat ein eingebautes Bandlaufwerk und kann extern neben anderer Peripherie noch ein zweites Bandlaufwerk ansprechen. IBM 5110 Model 2
In January 1978 IBM announced the IBM 5110, its larger cousin, and in February 1980 IBM announced the IBM 5120.
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None. SIZE/WEIGHT. 75 lbs (28 kg) I/O PORTS. 5103 printer and 5106 external tape drive unit.
Document Titles IBM 5100 Portable Computer: A full function computer for problem solvers. 1980 Publisher International Business Machines Corporation (IBM)
The IBM 5100 was sold in different configurations, and my system appears to be one of the most complete: all the slots are populated, with both APL and BASIC languages and the full 64KB of RAM – “Read/Write Storage” in IBM terms. Below are the empty card slots of the IBM 5100, and after that all the cards as named in the manual.
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The IBM 5100 Portable Computer is a portable computer introduced in September 1975, six years before the IBM Personal Computer. It was the evolution of a prototype called the SCAMP that was developed at the IBM Palo Alto Scientific Center in 1973. In January 1978, IBM announced the IBM 5110, its larger cousin, and in February 1980 IBM announced the IBM 5120. The 5100 was withdrawn in March 1982. When the IBM PC was introduced in 1981, it was originally designated as the IBM 5150, putting it in t Abstract: Sixty-four-thousand bytes of RAM and 190K bytes of BASIC and APL-loaded ROM in a fifty-pound package that includes 1024-character CRT, keyboard and tape cartridge drive. It's called the IBM 5100 Portable Computer. The IBM 5120 computing system.
L'IBM 5120 Computing System è il terzo modello di personal computer commercializzato dall'IBM, successore dell'IBM 5110 Computing System (di cui è un'evoluzione) e predecessore dell'IBM System/23 Datamaster More of this: https://www.nickkie.com/2014/04/13/ibm-5120-workstation-1980/?pk_campaign=youtube%20discription&pk_kwd=IBM%205120%20(1980)%20-%20nickkie.com&pk Excellent quality. 1980 IBM ad, features the IBM 5120 personal computer. IBM 5120.
APL allowed numerous business software written on IBM minicomputers to run on the 5120.