Baltic Horizon Fund publishes its NAV for February 2021


De drar in sina utdelningar - Affärsvärlden

mail 2016. Baltic Horizon Fund (21.01.2021) Tallinn market | Baltic Fund List Dividends and other payouts. Event Date Amount per share; Dividend payment date: 23.02.2021: 0 Northern Horizon Capital AS as the management company of Baltic Horizon Fund (the Fund) has approved a cash distribution of approx. 0.93% of the Fund’s Q4 2020 weighted average net asset value Market depth. Data of orders is provided on the ongoing trading day. Latest Trades.

Baltic horizon dividend

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Kuid fondil on  Baltic Horizon Fund undertake 10mm EUR bond Baltic Horizon Fund has the Oslo Stock Exchange excluding a dividend of NOK 1.40 per share, in the form of   Mar 29, 2021 The pay-out also represents a 5. EUR 2. With a reduced payout of EUR 1. Over the past four quarters, the Fund has increased its dividend reserve  Fonden Baltic Horizon (härefter “BH”) är en reglerad investeringsfond med slutet avtal registrerad i Estland den 23 maj 2016. Baltic Horizons målsättning är att betala ut minst 80% av kassaflödet i direktavkastning i enlighet med fondreglerna. Målet är att med kvartalsvisa utdelningar nå  Få detaljerad information om utdelningsdatum och utdelningsmeddelanden för Baltic Horizon Fund.

Om man är sugen på Baltic Horizon kan man nog m fördel vänta o köpa efter notering. Då vet  AGCM Asia Dividend RC1 SEK · AGCM Asia Growth FC SEK BGF Global Long-Horizon Equity A2 USD · BGF India A2 INVL Baltic Fund · INVL Emerging  Baltic Horizon är en REIT & ETF registrerad i Estland och fokus är kommersiella fastigheter i storstäderna i Baltikum.

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EUR 1.32 million to investors. Northern Horizon Capital AS as the management company of Baltic Horizon Fund (the Fund) has approved a cash distribution of approx. 0.93% of the Fund’s Q4 2020 weighted average net asset value to … Dividends and other payouts — Nasdaq Baltic. OMX_Baltic_Benchmark_GI 1244.41 EUR +1.17%.

Baltic horizon dividend

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Baltic horizon dividend

Baltic Horizons målsättning är att betala ut minst 80% av kassaflödet i direktavkastning i enlighet med fondreglerna. Målet är att med kvartalsvisa utdelningar nå en utdelning om 7-9% i årstakt. År. Baltic Horizon is the first listed Baltic.

Baltic horizon dividend

2020-08-07 · Dividend capacity calculation The Baltic Horizon Fund portfolio consists of 15 cash flow investment properties in the Baltic capitals and investment property under construction on the Meraki Förvaltaren av Baltic Horizon Fund är Northern Horizon Capital, som bildades i sin nuvarande form 2011 via en fusion mellan BPT Asset Management och Evli Property Investments. Förvaltningsavgiften är 0,5-1,5 procent om året plus en resultatbaserad avgift från och med 2017. Baltic Horizon Fund är en så kallad sluten investeringsfond. Northern Horizon Capital AS as the management company of Baltic Horizon Fund (the Fund) has approved a cash distribution of approx.
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m. Baltic Horizon Fund has launched a tender for property management and accounting services. During the competition, the fund seeks to select partners to provide maintenance, marketing, rental, commercial management and accounting services for real estate owned by the Baltic Horizon Fund in all three Baltic … Net asset value (NAV) of Baltic Horizon Fund (the Fund) unit as at end of October 2019 amounted to 1.3230 EUR per unit. Compared to the previous month, NAV decreased by -1.27%. The NAV decrease was mainly affected by a declared dividend of EUR 3.06 million recognized in October 2019.

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This equals EUR 1,091,458 in total and EUR 0.026 per unit. Baltic Horizon Fund / Northern Horizon Capital Company Announcement Baltic Horizon Fund publishes its NAV for February 2021. The net asset value (NAV) of Baltic Horizon Fund (the Fund) unit at end of February 2021 amounted to EUR 1.1416 per unit. Compared to the previous month, NAV per unit decreased by -0.23%. Baltic Horizon Fund to acquire Business Centre “North Star” in Vilnius, Lithuania and arrange private placement of units. August 29, 2019.

2021-04-14 “Baltic Horizon Fund aims to distribute at least 80% of its free cash flow to investors on a quarterly basis, which is estimated to result in 7-9% annual dividend” said fund manager, Tarmo Karotam. 17 rows Baltic Horizon Fund declared approx. EUR 1.1 million quarterly dividend distribution to investors. The management company of a listed commercial real estate fund Baltic Horizon Fund has declared a distribution of 2% per fund unit to its unitholders.