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At 22, Pitt is one of the youngest contestants remaining on this season of The Bachelor , second only to 21-year-old Kit 2021-04-05 · Related: Bachelor: Serena Pitt Reveals Big Crush She Had On Former Bachelor Leading Man. Each episode of The Bachelor clocks in at under two hours, but there are hours and hours of footage shot, so it’s inevitable that some scenes are left on the cutting room floor. According to Serena, those scenes were some of her favorites. Serena Pitt breaking up with Matt James after their hometown date. Pic credit: ABC. Bachelor contestant Serena Pitt spoke publicly about her reaction to her former roommate Rachael Kirkconnell’s BACHELOR contestant Serena Pitt will introduce her family to Matt James during the hometown dates prior to the big finale.

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Season 25 of The Bachelor will star the very first Black bachelor ever: real estate broker and community organizer Matt James (via ABC). The former football player is already a hit with the ladies on The Bachelor , including contestant Serena Pitt.

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Going into the Feb. 22 episode, Serena P. was the Contestant Serena P. is still competing Matt James' heart on 'The Bachelor,' so let's get to know the 22-year-old publicist a bit better. Bachelor hopeful Serena Chew joined the Season 25 cast, hoping to win Matt James' heart. What makes Serena a viable contestant? Let's find out. Serena is described as a … 2021-01-06 Serena P. knows true love is real but is waiting to find it, and she is hoping to experience that the second she meets our bachelor.

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6 replies 20  Details · Actor: Serena Pitt · Show: The Bachelor · Episode: Season 25 Episode 3 · Brand Product : Zara · Buy: Zara – $69.90. See more fashion from The Bachelor  24 Feb 2021 Do Matt James and Serena Pitt get back together after 'Bachelor'? The reality couple sparked reconciliation rumors during 'Women Tell All.' Serena asking Matt if he was a weird kid was the highlight of last night's episode for me. She seems a lot more mature than her age, too. 240. Reply.

But, according to her LinkedIn profile, Serena is actually an  22 Feb 2021 'The Bachelor's historic season 25 is inching toward its finale. The show premiered on January 4, 2021, and on the episode airing on March 15,  20 Mar 2021 Despite being one of two Serenas in Matt James' season of The Bachelor, it was Serena Pitt, aka Serena P., who really made waves in the  3 Mar 2021 Harrison temporarily stepped aside from his role as host of the Bachelor franchise after he vocally defended Rachael Kirkconnell, the woman from  5 Jan 2021 Matt James season of 'The Bachelor' has finally begun on January 4, 2021. Read on to find out who is Serena Pitt from this season and did she  3 Mar 2021 Serena Pitt broke Matt James' heart on 'The Bachelor' Is she open to finding love as 'The Bachelorette'?