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Fredric Palmqvist
The classical Bonferroni test has been used mainly in situations where no other (more special) multiple test procedure is available. It can always be replaced by the corresponding sequentially rejective Bonferroni test without loosing any probability of rejecting false hypotheses. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics | Citations: 2,457 | The Scandinavian Journal of Statistics is internationally recognised as one of the leading statistical journals in the world. It was founded Scandinavian Journal of Statistics.
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Scandinavian Journal of Statistics. ISSN 0303-6898 (Print); ISSN 1467-9469 ( Online).
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Welfare State in the Twentieth Century”, Scandinavian Journal ofHistory 26, 249–267. Dahl, B Öckert, DO Rooth. Review of Economics and Statistics 97 (3), 533-547, 2015 Scandinavian Journal of Economics 110 (2), 277-296, 2008.
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(11 av 34 ord). Scandinavian Journal of Statistics (Tidskrift).
Det blev oprettet i 1974 af fire skandinaviske statistiske lærde samfund. Det udgives af John Wiley & Sons, og hovedredaktørerne er Peter Dalgaard ( Copenhagen Business School) og Niels Richard Hansen ( Københavns Universitet). Foundation of the Scandinavian Journal of Statistics and Blackwell Publishing, and full bibliographic reference for the Article when it is published, you may use the accepted version of the Article as originally submitted for publication in the Journal, and updated to include any amendments made after peer review, in the following ways:
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ISSN. 0303-6898 Scandinavian Journal of Pain, 19, 235-244. Discrimination of irradiated MOX fuel from UOX fuel by multivariate statistical analysis of simulated activities of She is an associate editor of Probability Theory and Related Fields, The Scandinavian Journal of Statistics and Statistical Surveys and a member of the Swiss Economics and Statistics, Review of Income and Wealth, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Social Forces,.
708, 1981. Some recent developments [with discussion and reply]. DR Cox, G Gudmundsson, G Lindgren, L Bondesson, E Harsaae, Scandinavian Journal of Statistics,
8, Journal of Official Statistics Open Access 10, Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, journal, 0.593 Q1, 60, 74, 248, 4149, 399, 241, 1.63, 56.07, SE.
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Scandinavian journal of statistics Published in Stockholm by Almqvist och Wiksell Print available from 1987; 2004 Electronically available from 1974 - 2015, 1998 - 2020, 1997 - View online UGent only. Services. Reference details. More about. Mathematical Sciences; Statistics The Scandinavian Journal of Statistics is internationally recognised as one of the leading statistical journals in the world.
Styrelsemöte 140819 - Statistikfrämjandet
ISSN. 1467-9469; 0303-6898. Ytterligare sökbara ISSN (elektroniska), 1467-9469. Förlag, Wiley-Blackwell Scandinavian Journal of Statistics.