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Sustainability report 2009. GRI compliance table 2009. Global compact communication on progress 2009. Reports 2007 – 2008.

Swedbank sustainability report 2021

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Our sustainability work within investments is based on the Swedbank vision to enable people, businesses and communities to grow. We want to do this in a sustain­ able way, using the Bank’s policy and guidelines for sustainability work as the foundation for our definition Swedbank’s Sustainability Report will be published February 25th • During the quarter Swedbank Robur signed two new initiatives: Net Zero Asset Managers initiative –where asset managers commit and work to reduce the carbon dioxide development in their investment portfolios. Kontantinsats 20% av bilens värde. Lägsta lånebelopp 80 000 kr. Gäller vid köp hos auktoriserad bilhandlare. Ett lån på 150 000 kr (rörlig 2021-04-01), rak amortering, återbetalningstid 5 år, uppläggningsavgift 0 kr och aviavgift 0 kr med e-faktura (19 kr med autogiro och 45 kr vid postavi), ger en effektiv ränta på 3,24% (2021-04-01).

Sustainability framework documents are published in Corporate Governance page. Reports.

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Swedbank sustainability report 2021

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Swedbank sustainability report 2021

Köp (14). Behåll (6). Sälj (1). 2021-02-16.

Swedbank sustainability report 2021

Receive interim reports 2021-03-10. Swedbank Robur invests 400M SEK in the World Bank’s Sustainable Development Bond; 2021-02-26. Swedbank’s Green Bond Impact Report for 2020; 2021-02-26. Swedbank Robur Sustainable Investments 2020; Follow the latest updates in Swedbank’s Newsroom UN Global Compact Communication on Progress 2021. Compiled Sustainability Information 2020. Sustainability Fact Book 2020. Green Bond Impact Report 2020.
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© Swedbank AB (publ) 2021.
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SWED A, Swedbank A, SE0000242455 - Nasdaq

In 2013 we moved up to GRI G4 level Core. All GRI data is compiled in the sustainability report and reviewed by Deloitte AB. Addi - Brundtland Commission, sustainability can also be defined as “development that satisfies present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” Integration of sustainability Fo r 2003, the Bank has chosen to report its sustainability work as an integrated part of its official annual report. document Swedbank Investment Plan “1970+” (LV) document Swedbank Investment Plan “1980+” (LV) document Swedbank Investment Plan “1990+” (LV) document Pension Plan “Stability” (LV) document Pension Plan “Dynamics” (LV) document Report on the implementation of Shareholder Engagement Policy (17.10.2019. - 30.06.2020.) (LV) 2021-03-10.

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Swedbank Försäkring, a wholly owned subsidiary of Swedbank, offers pension, endowment and personal/risk insurance for indi - viduals and companies. Of its two million policies, 1.3 million are in savings, where the assets under management maintain a high level of sustainability. 14 Swedbank Annual and Sustainability Report 2018 SUSTAINABILITY The report is NOT a product of Swedbank and the Cooperation Agreement does not imply any affiliations or endorsement of KEPLER CHEUVREUX Research by Swedbank. Accordingly KEPLER CHEUVREUX has sole control over the content of the report that this summary is based on and is responsible for compliance with all applicable local laws, rules and regulations connected to the report.

Swedbank Pay’s daily transaction data aligns well with the official consumption statistics. From 23.03.2021 Swedbank Internet Bank and Banklink is no longer available using Internet Explorer browser.