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Varför just FundedByMe gör det enkelt att registrera affärsmöjligheter, upptäcka, investera, samt hålla dig uppdaterad gällande dina investeringar. News feed of FundedByMe Crowdfunding Sweden. 2020-11-25 15:01:44 Kale United stänger sin fjärde crowdfundingrunda genom FundedByMe -5,39% | 0 Köp FundedByMe Crowdfunding Sweden A (FBM A) aktier — Kale United är ett holdingbolag som ska fungera som ett ekosystem för Jag The latest Tweets from Kale United V (@kale_united). Investing in a plant-based future - Next gereration plant-based distribution @aoasverige Lagom till adventsfikat lanserar Lily & Hannas croudfundingkampanj hos FundedByMe.
Bolaget kommer ta in pengar via FundedByMe, men jag hoppas de får lite media-uppmärksamhet nu. Jag tror Kale United bygger något stort och vill verkligen vara med på resan från start. October 26, 2020 @ 11:38 am By JD Alois | . Kale United AB is returning to the European crowdfunding platform FundedByMe a 4th time to raise capital online. Launching to the public on November Stockholm, Sweden, November 1, 2018: Plant-based company group Kale United AB (Kale United) today announces that its public crowdfunding campaign is live on FundedByMe with an upper target of SEK 6 million (EUR 572,000) by December 15th. FundedByMe Crowdfunding Sweden B komplett bolagsfakta från
Q2 2019 - Kale United made an acquisition of Astrid & Aporna, the oldest and most known vegan brand in Sweden and Scandinavia.
FundedByMe Crowdfunding Sweden AB - IPOhub
Bringing innovative plant-based businesses together, growing a portfolio of plant-based investments. Take part in the plant-based revolution Kale United AB - The future is plant-based is raising money on FundedByMe. Kale United seeks out and incorporates the best plant-based brands, consolidating and accelerating this fast-growing global market. Kale United AB is returning to the European crowdfunding platform FundedByMe a 4th time to raise capital online.
FundedByMe Crowdfunding Sweden A FBM A aktie - Nordnet
FundedByMe Crowdfunding Sweden B komplett bolagsfakta från OMXSPI 10:53-0,54% S&P 500 Kale United stänger sin fjärde crowdfundingrunda genom FundedByMe. Plant-based network Kale United has launched its fourth funding round to raise a further €2.2m (£2m) by Christmas to drive further expansion. Launching to the public on the Swedish crowdfunding platform FundedByMe on 23 November, the funding round has already attracted more than €1m from private investors. Read more Kale United holds shares in Astrid and the Apes, Ocean Hugger Foods, Bärta, Hooray Foods, Mighty Pea, Mycorena, Noquo Foods, Veganz, etc.
We are a unique Scandinavian distribution and investment hub for plant-based businesses. We are an ethical business that mirrors the ethics of our companies and the investors. We are 100% plant-based. Q4 2018 - Kale United got 170 shareholders from 26 countries around the world completing an initial €250k crowdfunding round. Q2 2019 - Kale United made an acquisition of Astrid & Aporna, the oldest and most known vegan brand in Sweden and Scandinavia. Q4 2018 - Kale United got 170 shareholders from 26 countries around the world completing an initial 2.7 MSEK crowdfunding round. Q1 2019 - Kale United made strategic investments in Swedish Temptations with their burger Bärta and Ocean Hugger Foods with their vegan sushi.
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Crowdfundingrekord slås av Kale United som når 3,8 MSEK på mindre än 36 timmar.
We are a unique Scandinavian distribution and investment hub for plant-based businesses.
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Kale united investera risk
Mer än 3,8 miljoner kronor samlades in från 127 investerarmedlemmar på mindre än 36 timmar i den publika kampanjen på Fundedbyme. Kampanjen öppnade publikt igår måndag den 30 mars och nådde sitt högsta mål drygt ett dygn senare. In March of 2020, Kale United raised over $438,000 on FundedByMe from 128 individual investors for 18.77% of the company. At that time, Kale said the value of their investments has increased 68% Kale United wants to make it possible for everyone in the world to invest in a plant-based future FundedByMe har genom sin plattform varit delaktig i Kale Uniteds framgångsrika kapitalanskaffning om 22 MSEK. Med hjälp av starka ankarinvesterare stängde bolagets finansieringsrunda redan efter sex timmar. Det är fjärde gången Kale United använder crowdfunding som finansieringsverktyg genom FundedByMe. Fundedbyme.
FundedByMe - Måns Ullerstam från Kale United en
Köp aktien FundedByMe Crowdfunding Sweden A (FBM A). Hos Nordnet Kale United stänger sin fjärde crowdfundingrunda genom FundedByMe. 2020-11-15 Bolaget Kale United, med Måns Ullerstam som vd, har slagit rekord i crowdfunding. Mer än 3,8 miljoner sek samlades in från 127 Kale United, företaget med en omfattande portfölj växtbaserade bolag, har precis avslutat en crowdfundingrunda på plattformen Fundedbyme 14 Dec 2020 - 09:00. Kursjustering och ny strategi i FundedByMe. 14 Dec 2020 - 08:30. Kale United stänger sin fjärde crowdfundingrunda genom FundedByMe. Kale United, fund a plant based portfolio of shares (
Q2 2019 - Kale United made an acquisition of Astrid & Aporna, the oldest and most known vegan brand in Sweden and Scandinavia. Q4 2018 - Kale United got 170 shareholders from 26 countries around the world completing an initial 2.7 MSEK crowdfunding round.