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Employee Log in Homepage Department Product Connect. Connect At Fieldly we are passionate about creating the construction industry of the future. We believe that requires a wide range of perspectives. Team Fieldly is therefore made up of engineers, developers, marketers and account managers that all share the same vision; a smarter construction industry. About Fieldly Fieldly is the fast-growing Malmö company with soaring ambitions. With our digital project management tool specially designed and developed for the construction industry we are changing the largest industry in the world, and enabling a simpler, smoother and more efficient workday for millions of people worldwide.
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Fieldly - Project management for smarter construction companies. Förra sommaren tog Fieldly in 5,3 Mkr från affärsängeln Lars Dahlén, som i dag arbetar operativt i bolaget. För att växa globalt räknar Sven Paulin med att bolaget behöver ta in mellan 30 och 50 Mkr under hösten. Ett tjugotal stora riskkapitalbolag är intresserade av det vi gör. Fieldly är det nya sättet att hantera fältpersonal och projekt. Med ett enkelt men kraftfullt gränssnitt är det mycket lätt att nå ett väl fungerande fältarbete även under krävande förhållanden. Med Fieldly kan ni: - Rapportera tid - Rapportera körningar - Rapportera utgifter - Hantera projekt och… Fieldly develops a digital tool that simplifies project management for construction companies.
We significantly reduce your administration and make sure you get full control of your projects. Support 042 -600 56 50 Lösningar Entreprenad Installation & Service Byggservice Mark & Anläggning Resurser Blogg Referenser Ordlista Byt till Fieldly Kalkylator Tillbaka till
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We provide high quality, affordable services to help your business with successful fieldwork. I am responsable for sales and marketing.
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Fieldly is a fast-growing SaaS company improving the way construction companies View John Fieldly's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. John has 5 jobs listed on their profile.
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Testa gratis Fieldly is the digital project management tool specially designed and developed for the construction industry. We significantly reduce your administration and make sure you get full control of your projects.
Mr. Fieldly is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Fieldly – ett digitalt byggprojektverktyg med sömlös koppling till BL. Genom att koppla Fieldly till BL Administration kan du som jobbar i byggbranschen slippa The latest Tweets from Fieldly (@fieldlycom). Digitalizing the construction industry one project at a time. Project management for smarter construction companies What does fieldy mean? (obsolete) Open, like a field. (adjective) Jun 5, 2017 Fieldly said the Nasdaq listing is a "major milestone in the evolution of our company." In recent years, Celsius has re-branded its products as Aug 21, 2020 maximise the significant growth opportunities in both domestic and global markets,” said John Fieldly, Celsius Holdings president and CEO. 12 aug 2014 På många byggföretag jobbar arbetsledaren fortfarande med post-it-lappar. Det vill den svenska webbtjänsten Fieldly ändra på.