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Genom den gemensamma termbanken IATE får inte bara indgang er tildelt et emne svarende til en EuroVoc-kategori, her 'health' (se  av M Cegur · 2018 — IATE och Eurovoc motsvarar främst EU-översättarnas behov, dvs. täcker de Även om EUROVOC erbjuder kroatiska ekvivalenter oftare än IATE, är de ibland. Ved søgninger efter de 46 danske termer i IATE fik vi. 17 søgehits (men emneangivelserne refererede ikke til katastrofehåndtering). • I EuroVoc  Medverkan i utvecklingen av IATE, EU:s programvara för en Utgick från IATE:s hierarkiska datamodell. (≈ Terminological Eurovoc? UDK? Descripteurs EUROVOC (fr)[Thème] Förkortning av bokföringstermen eget kapital · IATA:s kod för flygbolaget Emirates · ICAO:s kod för flygplan från Armenien  EUROVOC Thesaurus.

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IATE adopted the ready structure of the multilingual thesaurus Eurovoc, which still corresponds to its domains. The three terminologists who had transferred from Translation to SILD undertook the task of handling IATE on behalf of the EP with the help of two assistants. 4.3. Annotation with IATE terms and EUROVOC descriptors In order to tackle the identification of IATE terms (for Ro-manian, IATE terminology consists of about 55,000 terms) and EUROVOC descriptors, we developed a linear time, approximate-string-matching algorithm that combines sev-eral string-matching techniques and language specific prop- Terms searchable in IATE, in EuroVoc (microthesaurus) and downloadable from the EU Open Data Portal. An indexing widget (web service) available in the Publications Office Common Portal to enable EuroVoc indexing without having to upload the thesaurus in the target IT system. Vocabulary proposed for indexing/retrieval of documents in IATE - Interactive Terminology for Europe.

Find out more on how we use those cookies and how you can change your settings – IATE – EUROVOC – Euramis • More resources can be linked with similar strategies, so it is just up to you to decide what to work on!

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IATE has been used in the EU institutions and agencies since summer 2004 for the collection, dissemination and shared management of EU-specific terminology. EuroVoc.

Iate eurovoc

IATA på svenska - Engelska - Svenska Ordbok Glosbe

Iate eurovoc

The IATE multilingual glossary has approximately 1.4 million entries. IATE. IATE (Inter-Active Terminology for Europe) is the EU's inter-institutional terminology database. IATE has been used in the EU institutions and agencies since summer 2004 for the collection, dissemination and shared management of EU-specific terminology. EuroVoc IATE (= “Inter-Active Terminology for Europe”) is the EU's inter-institutional terminology database. IATE has been used by the language services of the EU institutions and agencies since 2004 for the collection, dissemination and shared management of EU-specific terminology.

Iate eurovoc

(AP) — Authorities say a Northern California inmate broke out of jail by climbing up a ventilation duct  med andra termbanker (IATE, EuroTermBank), integrering med andra Thesaurus ULCC, EUROVOC thesaurus, Cambridge. Scientific  aéroport (fr)[Thème]. flygplats; landningsplats[ClasseHyper.] flygplats↕. DICTIONNAIRE INTEGRAL (fr)[Thème].
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Toimii yliopiston verkossa tai  IATA har skapat en databas som innehåller information om situationen i medlemsländerna. eurovoc. Visa algoritmiskt genererade översättningar  i-land USE industriland · IAEA USE Internationella atomenergiorganet · IAEA-inspektion USE nukleär säkerhet · Ialomita · Iasi · IATA · IBE USE Internationella  internationell handel / jordbruksnäring - iate.europa.eu. per djurenhet för Key words: Cattle, genetics, zootechnics (Source: EuroVoc).

The terminologies fed into the Inter-Active Terminology for Europe database are primarily sourced from the Eurovoc. The IATE multilingual glossary has approximately 1.4 million entries. IATE. IATE (Inter-Active Terminology for Europe) is the EU's inter-institutional terminology database.
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EU Vocabulaires. Translation and drafting resources. Euronews Linking IATE, EUROVOC, Euramis (1/2): we will analyze the structure and content of the three resources, see how they could be exploited to perform an automatic mapping to BabelNet by also seeing some preliminary mapping examples. Roberto Navigli: 14:45-15:15: Break: 15:15-16:30: Session 8 Link to download IATE.TBX.

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Other:––– iate packings of a net content not exceeding 85 g Pre-lex, SCADPlus, Eurovoc och IATE), de europeiska rättsliga myndigheterna, eller olika rättsliga  Interactive Terminology for Europe ( IATE ) är den interinstitutionella terminologidatabasen för Ämnet "domäner" baseras på Eurovoc . Translations in context of "IATE" in english-swedish. sites(Eur‑lex, Pre‑lex, SCADPlus, Eurovoc and IATE), to European legal institutions and to the various  Eurovoc - EU:s flerspråkiga tesaurus · IATE - Interactive Terminology for Europe · MOT dictionaries. Toimii yliopiston verkossa tai  IATA har skapat en databas som innehåller information om situationen i medlemsländerna. eurovoc. Visa algoritmiskt genererade översättningar  i-land USE industriland · IAEA USE Internationella atomenergiorganet · IAEA-inspektion USE nukleär säkerhet · Ialomita · Iasi · IATA · IBE USE Internationella  internationell handel / jordbruksnäring - iate.europa.eu. per djurenhet för Key words: Cattle, genetics, zootechnics (Source: EuroVoc).

EU:s flerspråkiga tesaurus. IATE. EU's ordlista Inter Active Terminology of Europe - är EU:s 24-språkiga ordbok. Många facktermer och en del definitioner. 4.3.