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Αρχική; Διαβάζετε: onassis air open call - the school of infinite rehearsals onassis air open call - the school of infinite rehearsals onassis air open call 2021/2022 | the school of infinite rehearsals 2021-02-05. tweet. Αιτήσεις έως ΠΑΡΑΣΚΕΥΗ, 26 ΦΕΒΡΟΥΑΡΙΟΥ 2021, 12:00 το μεσημέρι (utc+2) ΣΕΠΤΕΜΒΡΙΟΣ 2021 – … 2 days ago Open Call | Onassis AiR (Artists-in-Residence) 2019/20 | Free wiki platform to promote online content related to the cultural and creative industries in Europe and South Mediterranean countries. Onassis Air Open Call 2019/20. 22 Οκτωβρίου – 26 Νοεμβρίου 2018. Μια κοινότητα συλλογικής καλλιτεχνικής έρευνας για δημιουργούς από όλα τα πεδία. 05/06/2018 Onassis AiR Open Call 2020/2021 Σχετικά με το Onassis AiR. Το Onassis AiR είναι μια πρωτοβουλία του Ιδρύματος Ωνάση, αποτέλεσμα της συνεργασίας δύο πυλώνων του Ιδρύματος, Onassis AiR 2020/21 Open Call invites artists, curators, designers, activists, collectives, filmmakers, educators who defy the marketable academic establishments, lawyers, performance makers, economists, agitators of institutional models, philosophers, and other practitioners who are interested in a communal exploration of two urgent research topics to explore during their second year in Open Call | Music Connects Onassis Stegi and Panteion University.

Onassis open call

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Please note that the deadline for the  Open Call: curator gezocht voor geluidskunstproject. 26.01 Onassis Stegi ( GREECE) - 2022 OPEN CALL: CURATOR “Sound Art in Public Spaces”. Sounds  12 Feb 2021 []. Applications and supporting documents can only be submitted  An explosive music and dance performance-experience by the Onassis of the Onassis Scholars' Association actions for 2014-2015 which are open to the wider Greek society - particularly young people - in contact with a series of 10 Jan 2019 Programme | Season 2018-19 | Onassis Stegi | our own gaze, an opening that lets questions through about the way gender roles Every composer calls forth different expressive means: imperceptib 5 Ιουν. 2020 Μπορείτε να κατεβάστε τις οδηγίες εδώ open-call-love-song για το πώς να κάνετε το δικό σας σύντομο  The Adhocracy exhibition at the Onassis Cultural Centre in Athens was Following this Open Call, 173 submissions were submitted from all around the world.

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Phase I follows a peer-to-peer blind-selection method by the current participants of Onassis AiR 2020/21. During Phase II the selected applications will be reviewed by the Onassis AiR team together with an advisory board consisting of Grégory Castéra, Binna Choi & Marianna Takou (Casco Art Institute), Ilaria Conti, Karthik Pandian, and Piergiorgio Pepe. The proposal we put forth for the ONASSIS AiR 2021/22 OPEN CALL is to explore two research topics (governance & economies) through the lens of locality, starting with where our physical bodies will be, in the neighborhood of Plaka, in the historic quarter of Athens, at the foothill of Acropolis, and spiraling outwards through the perspectives of participants coming from other parts of Greece and the world who will compose each 2021/22 Movement Group.

Onassis open call

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Onassis open call

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Onassis open call

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Onassis Stegi invites early-career choreographers, dance companies and other creators of contemporary artistic practices around the concept of dance in a lab, aiming at the intersection, development and promotion of original methodologies. The New Choreographers Festival 7 will take place 1 & 2 February 2020 Onassis AiR 2021/22 open call February 26, 2021 Onassis Culture Onassis Stegi 107 Syngrou Ave 117 45 Athens Greece T +30 21 3017 8000 Facebook / Instagram / Twitter The selection for the Onassis AiR 2021/22 open call will be done in two phases. Phase I follows a peer-to-peer blind-selection method by the current participants of Onassis AiR 2020/21. 2021-02-09 · The proposal we put forth for the ONASSIS AiR 2021/22 OPEN CALL is to explore two research topics (governance & economies) through the lens of locality, starting with where our physical bodies will be, in the neighborhood of Plaka, in the historic quarter of Athens, at the foothill of Acropolis, and spiraling outwards through the perspectives of participants coming from other parts of Greece and the world who will compose each 2021/22 Movement Group. Open Calls.

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For further information regarding the current announcement, the relevant terms , the application process and the supporting documents please review the Frequently Asked Questions and Scholarship Regulation below or contact the Scholarships Department through email: or via phone: +30 210 37 13 053, -054, -055, -056, -057. The Onassis Scholars' Association gets ready for one more season. Submit now your proposals for the season 2020-21. Open Call for New Proposals Submission: Health, Education, Culture – Onassis … Open Call ONASSIS AIR 2021/22 OPEN CALL: The School of Infinite Rehearsals Onassis AiR. With Funding Free / No Costs Athens, Greece Eligibility — It is for those who live & work in Greece or anywhere in the world. — There are no age restrictions.

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