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Record the results in the table. Repeat the same procedure for the Epsom salt, baking soda, and sugar. Each time used a clean cup and coffee stirrer. Follow the same procedure with the rubbing alcohol, club water, and cooking oil in place of the water. Both soda as well as regular water can hydrate you. However, this kind of water can give your body better hydration.
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Carbon dioxide is weakly soluble in water, therefore it separates into a gas when the pressure is released. The state of the solute goes first, followed by the state of the solvent. What factor can affect the amount of carbon dioxide that the water in a soda can hold? solute- the substance which is present in less quantity.
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2020-08-17 · In another clean cup add 10 ml of water, but this time add a teaspoon of sand and stir. Record the results in the table. Repeat the same procedure for the Epsom salt, baking soda, and sugar. Each time used a clean cup and coffee stirrer.
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The solvent is water, or H 2 O. The water molecules are negatively charged on the oxygen atoms and positively charged on the hydrogen atoms.
In soda water, the solute is carbon dioxide while the solvent is water. Soda water is a type of carbonated water, which is prepared by dissolving See full answer below.
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Each solute species present inside the aqueous solution is surrounded by a Carbonated water (also known as soda water, sparkling water, fizzy water, water with gas or (especially in the U.S.) as seltzer or seltzer water) is water containing dissolved carbon dioxide gas, either artificially injected under pressure or occurring due to natural geological processes. Carbonation causes small bubbles to form, giving the water 2009-01-28 2010-04-20 When salt is dissolved in water, it changes from solid to liquid. While the water remains as liquid.
Carbon dioxide is weakly soluble in water, therefore it separates into a gas when the pressure is released. The state of the solute goes first, followed by the state of the solvent. What factor can affect the amount of carbon dioxide that the water in a soda can hold? solute- the substance which is present in less quantity.
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If you drank a soda today, you actually drank of solution of a gas dissolved in flavored The type of solution is determined by the state of matter of t The solvent is the substance that does the dissolving. Therefore, a solute dissolves in a solvent.
Anonymous. 1 decade ago. Favorite Answer. solute- the substance which is present in less quantity. solvent- the substance which is present in more quantity. a)solute- baking soda solvent- water.