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2020-2021 3 cannon deaths "Eret, listen to me, and I mean this in the nicest way possible. You fu**ed up." -During Eret's betrayal in the L'Manberg VS Dream Team SMP war. "WHAT'S UP CHAT?!?" "SUP CHAT." -Tommyinnit at the beginning of every stream TommyInnit is a British YouTuber and twitch streamer. Tommy is considered, by many fans, a main protagonist/major anti-hero on the Dream Team SMP Drista is the sister of Dream.

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itsAlyssa is a coder for the Minecraft server MunchyMC and met the Dream Team that way. She is one of the eight original members of the Dream Team SMP. She also doesn’t have the server’s IP anymore because she claims: “I don’t want to be a bother” Fans ask Alyssa to join back- C’mon we miss you Alyssa! This started the Dream Team SMP VS L'Manberg war, where Dream demanded that L'Manberg to surrender and put white flags on their base on the day of the war, or else the new nation would be destroyed. L'Manberg didn't put up white flags, so they fought: the first to everyone. Dream. Election. L'Manberg.

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She was born in 2006 1 History 1.1 Meeting Tommy 1.2 Meeting Technoblade 1.3 Power of The Owner 1.4 #TommyInnitIsn'tCancelled and #DristaIsPog Tommy asked Dream if he had a sister. Dream said yes, and Tommy asked if he could speak to 2020-2021 3 cannon deaths "Eret, listen to me, and I mean this in the nicest way possible. You fu**ed up." -During Eret's betrayal in the L'Manberg VS Dream Team SMP war. "WHAT'S UP CHAT?!?" "SUP CHAT." -Tommyinnit at the beginning of every stream TommyInnit is a British YouTuber and twitch streamer.

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Sam wiki dream smp

I don't DREAMNOTFOUND IS REAL give a fuck When L'Manberg declared independence from the Dream SMP Faction, Dream completely disagreed and said that they could not which led into the war which led to chaos and soon enough Tommy challenged Dream to a bow fight to the death to resolve this war, Dream won but Tommy gave away his discs for the independence of L'Manberg, which Dream accepted. Henry - Tommy's former pet cow whom was brutally murdered by Sapnap himself. Brutally Murdered may o reapete Spirit- Dreams horse who in which was the only thing he cared about for awhile, hoDREAMNOTFOUND IS REAL wever, after Spirit's death, Dream lost any attachment to him and stopped caring, giving us the iconic "I don't give a FUCK about spirit. I don't DREAMNOTFOUND IS REAL give a fuck Dream SMP. Category page. View source. History Talk (0) The Dream SMP is a popular Minecraft SMP group of Youtubers consisting of Youtubers such as Dream He is the founder of the Dream SMP and the leader of the faction group of the same name.

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I don't DREAMNOTFOUND IS REAL give a fuck Dream SMP. Category page. View source. History Talk (0) The Dream SMP is a popular Minecraft SMP group of Youtubers consisting of Youtubers such as Dream He is the founder of the Dream SMP and the leader of the faction group of the same name. Dream brands himself a peaceful individual, when in reality he is a heartless and extremely arrogant and manipulative tyrant who has committed numerous acts against many people in the SMP, such as instigating the Dream SMP Vs. Taking in the fact he was protected, Tommy took the Axe of Peace and swiped the Axe 4 times against Dream's scales, making him heavily breathe. Dream got away with his Revive book excuse though Tommy wouldn't let him free, Sam sending him to prison, and supposedly closing the book. itsAlyssa is a coder for the Minecraft server MunchyMC and met the Dream Team that way.
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He caused the Disc Wars after trying to solve a situation between Alyssa, Sapnap, Ponk and TommyInnit but was lethally scared in the process. As time went on, Dream strived for more control off of his own island Dream's face shows regret, but he continues to focus on attacking Tommy. BBH keeps fighting from the ground.

Dream SMP Animatics Awesamedude is Sam Nook and gives Tommyinnit tasks to complete on the Dream SMP Credit:@awesamdude Warning! Contains flashing images and cartoonish blood!I really liked this scene from Foolish's stream the other day :3Also, my first time using Toon Boom Ha DREAM SMPAWESAMDUDE Dream is wise and was proven to be very serious in wars and combat and he tries to make things fair, He also likes to annoy Tommyinnit even after his exile showing how ruthless Dream really is, He is also known in the dream SMP to be a psychopath due to alot of his actions and him showing to be completely apathetic about them such as how he bombed L'Manburg, Dream is also manipulative, As he 2021-02-25 SAM NOOK Defends Big Innit Hotel from JackManifold!
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He was visited by Dream everyday, who forced Tommy to put his things inside a hole and burned them. This led Tommy to start stashing items under his Floorboards. Dream found out and burned Logestedshire. Dream's face shows regret, but he continues to focus on attacking Tommy.

Brutally Murdered may o reapete Spirit- Dreams horse who in which was the only thing he cared about for awhile, hoDREAMNOTFOUND IS REAL wever, after Spirit's death, Dream lost any attachment to him and stopped caring, giving us the iconic "I don't give a FUCK about spirit. I don't DREAMNOTFOUND IS REAL give a fuck When L'Manberg declared independence from the Dream SMP Faction, Dream completely disagreed and said that they could not which led into the war which led to chaos and soon enough Tommy challenged Dream to a bow fight to the death to resolve this war, Dream won but Tommy gave away his discs for the independence of L'Manberg, which Dream accepted.