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View the 17 min talk here: TEDx Göteborg har funnits sedan 2009. Nätverket träffas för att se en TED-presentation samt för att diskutera ämnet. Varje TED-presentation är på 18 minuter och många av världens ledande tänkare och genomförare har gjort en TED-presentation om sitt liv, sitt kunskapsområde eller vad som är betydande för personen. TEDxGöteborg, Gothenburg.
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Chalmers is a partner of TEDx Gothenburg. Some of the scientists at Chalmers University of Technology has given talks at TED events. See the videos here. TEDx 2010 Gothenburg This talk was recorded at TEDx in Gothenburg in 2010. It presents the dramatic increase in size in quality of medical data captured by CT and MR and how interactive visualization can be used to improve the clinical workflow and produce images of anatomy that are not only scientifically correct but also beautfiul and informative. At TEDx Göteborg in 2012 Wouter Vlemmings talked about how stars like our Sun die and how their death affects the next generation of young stars. "Puzzling out the universe" was published on 18 november 2012.
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Force Majeure – Soundproof
Keywords. TED; religionsvetenskap; vatten. Conference name.
David Knutsson Bokadero
cross · göteborg · Gothenburg · Huxley · social media · speakers · stitch · talks · TED · TEDx. © All Rights Reserved. Copyright Info. 1. TEDx. Our Drugs in their Water [Internet].
TEDxGöteborg, Gothenburg. 4,790 likes. www.tedxgoteborg.com.
Conference date. 2011-11-25. Also, Managing Director of TEDx Gothenburg." They are all young, driven and smart. In the search for the next generation of business leaders, I took my PhD at Gothenburg University 2003 and became Associated professor in In particular, I'm proud of being one of few who has held a TedX-talk (at ”Artist in prison” Cecilia Janssons talk at TEDx Örebro feb 2012 Exhibition at 3e Våningen, Gothenburg.
TEDxUniversityofGothenburg, Göteborg. 301 gillar. About TEDxUniversityofGothenburg As the first Swedish university outside of Stockholm, University of Gothenburg is hosting a TEDx conference on
astronomins dag och natt CME cassini 10 år astrobloggne Onsala onsala rymdobservatorium slottskogsobservatoriet astronomiläger plasma Rymdresa solstorm interstellära mediet voyager 1 alpbach forskning 2019 Saturnus ringar stratosfärisk ballong astronomisk kalender 2019 Einstein nattlysande moln ultra deep space deep space Nature kvantteori
This is "TedX Gothenburg - Beyond Borders" by BOBBY Digital Studios AB on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them. 2012-01-03
At this year's TEDx event in Gothenburg a number of speakers will be lecturing on the theme "Disrupting Status Quo".
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- Sammanhängande semester och föräldraledighet
Our Drugs in their Water [Internet]. Gothenburg; 2011 [cited 2016 Jan 7]. (TEDxUniversityofGothenburg).
GU Journalen 3-2015 by University of Gothenburg - issuu
Join us at the Brave New World event for all this, and more! In the meantime, check out this amazing video compilation showcasing speakers’ and guests’ impressions of our last year’s main event Spectrum!
Our Drugs in their Water [Internet].